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Get your team organised by connecting free, easy to use online tools from the world’s best software companies.

Who is this service for?

Start-ups, entrepreneurs and small groups that are trying to run their business using email and/or spreadsheets, poorly. Often with limited I.T. skills, time and/or money.

Why do I need it ?

Management by email/spreadsheets soon becomes overwhelming and inefficient. Dozens of emails flying around, multiple copies of scattered information, little structure to shared data. Things get misplaced or forgotten about. Deadlines and tasks get missed.

What is it ?

We connect free online tools so your team can track tasks, processes, checklists, projects, files and media, and receive notifications.

For example, email and documents from Google (or Microsoft), Trello for projects, tasks and checklists, Airtable for databases, Evernote for notes and DropBox for file sharing.


We connect these together then set up on your computer and mobile devices.

How is it done? 

We analyse the basic parts of your operational business. For example, this might be projects, marketing and sales pipeline. We then replicate these categories in your email folders , documents, projects, databases, files and notes then connect everything up.


Online systems

Rules and triggers are then added if necessary, e.g. email attachments are automatically saved in DropBox. Emails can be forwarded to automatically create a Card in Trello.

There is no one size fits all, and we provide a recommended set-up based on your needs.

How much does it cost? 

$675 for set up of the basics, this includes an onsite visit (Auckland region) or online meeting (Zoom or Teams). 

Most systems we set up have free versions. For multiple triggers and integration, or more advanced requirements, you may need to go to paid plans. However, these are generally not onerous, and certainly cheaper that developing your own systems.

We can also advise if custom software is needed or research other systems.

What does it look like ?

If we use the example of a business focusing on Marketing, Projects and Sales Pipeline, it would be as simple as having three shortcuts on your desktop and phone:


The marketing link might open with Trello where resources and tasks can be managed. This is a Kanban system - like a whiteboard with sticky notes for To do, In Progress, Done. They are worked on at different stages, and moved from left to right:


Cards can be assigned to members, due dates added together with check-lists, images, files and notes. Reminders keep everyone up to date.

If more structured data is required, Trello can integrate with AirTable, an easy to use, flexible database system:


Dropbox, Goggle Drive, Micrsosoft OneDrive can all be used to store documents, files and images.


Evernote is great for meeting notes, ideas, plans and ad hoc information

We connect these applications for you and your team, and set up shortcuts on your desktop and mobile devices.

There are hundreds of applications which can be linked, including accounting, time tracking, customer relationship management, helpdesk and your own website, e.g. Xero, Timely, Harvest, Zoho, Zendesk. 

Many of these support importing from Excel to get started, and we can help with this.

All prices in NZ currency, excluding GST

+64 27 276 8447

©2024 Data Synthesis Ltd

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